This one thing could be setting you back from having the success you deserve and want in your network marketing business.
Watch this video now.
It is the most important secret to success that you may be over looking.
You Burning desire is personal and unique to you. Mine may not move you.
My coach told me that her Burning Desire was that she felt like there was more to life than working her cooperate job that she absolutely hated. Sure she was set financially but she was miserable.
So much that her burning desire to be fre.e from that life propelled her to succeed in her network marketing business. She did not want to be that cubicle slave.
Although I understood how she was moved by her burning desire, it did not resonate with to me because I don’t have a job that I hate. So as I explained in the video above Burning Desire was totally different.
What Is Yours?

Answer the following questions:
- Who do you want to become?
- How will your life be different or others people’s life be different when you attain success?
- What will your life look like in 5 years from now if you do not succeed?
Your Burning Desires is what pulls you to do the actions you must do to accomplish your goals and have success. Without it you will find yourself stuck, going round in circles and far from the finish line.
Next Step Not Now That You you Know What Your Burning Desire Is:
- Write down your Burning Desire on paper or index card.
- Read it each day, especially when you are hesitant to get into action mode.
- Visualize your life as you plan for it to be once you are successful.
- Take intentional daily actions to move your business forward.
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Lorena Hawkins’s Network Marketing Blog