How to Use Social Media for Network Marketing

I Just watched a video message from Eric Worre.

It’s true.. We all need to help our networking profession to be more appealing rather than revoking….

MLM people use various social media too often to flood their post with company products and opportunity invites. I have seen some Facebook pages that have nothing but opportunity and product postings.. Social media is not an advertising billboard! We have to remember why people are on social media. It is to communicate and bond not to be sold.

Eric Worre says it best, these tactics are “lazy”… I have fallen into this trap too. Most mlm people just do not understand how to use the social media platforms because they just don’t know what they ought to be doing. There are systems and educational trainings on how to be a better network marketer online and offline. If you want to be successful in this arena than you must invest your time in getting the proper skills. Your business will grow and you will prosper if you do so…

Facebook is abused daily. It’s regulations clearly deter the use of personal profile sites as an advertising platform yet people continue to ignore the rules.

Let’s start to rectify this problem by going to our fb wall (or any other social media you may have unintentionally abused) and clean it up by removing excessive mlm spam… A good rule of thumb is to build relationships with regular post which allow people to get to know us 90% of the time and post crafty indirect post that create curiosity about our products or company.

So Instead of posting “Join my MLM business” you could say, “I am about to get on a webinar to learn how to create financial freedom in my life. So glad I got started. If anyone wants to join me let me know”. This approach is soft and not at all offensive. Your just letting people know what you are up to and it gets them wondering. Definitely a better example of how to use social media for network marketing.

People join people not your company. Work on learning how to give value and you will draw people to you. Once you build relationship on social media take the conversation offline and freely share your opportunity at that point. Do this by email, call them, or meet them for coffee.

We all need to take responsibility; otherwise we are at risk for being banned from the social media site. This would be a disaster for the networking profession in general. Let’s committee to building our business with dignity. Click Here Now to learn how to use  get social media for network marketing.

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Lorena Hawkins’s Network Marketing Blog


Skype: Lorena_Hawkins

“Making Your Network Marketing Business Building Efforts Count”

P.S. If You Want to Build Your Business on Facebook.  “Grab this Free Facebook Getting Started Cheat SheetIt is Jam Packed with Value!

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