The first thing my upline suggested that I do was to make a list of 100 people that I knew. It included anyone that I barely ever made eye contact with.
I was never quite able to make that quota and the task caused me much anxiety.
I hated being the recipient of unsolicited calls and I felt like a stalker whenever I picked up the phone to make a prospecting call.
The good news is that I had options. I found a better and more effective way to grow my business Using modern prospecting and recruiting methods
Grab Your Free 10 Day Online Recruiting Video Series.
My friend and mentor Ferny Ceballos attended a private meeting with well know leaders in the network marketing industry. He was actual the keynote speaker.
Here is Ferny’s blog article below where he shares the 3 levels of modern prospecting and recruiting and explains why “making a list of 100” doesn’t make the cut.
Read on to see …
How to successfully build a network marketing business online…
AND on the current state of network marketing, and how leaders can seriously LEVEL UP their skills, even if they were already online and had built their teams using social media.
The truth is, that even social media strategies that worked just a few short years ago are no longer as effective, for reasons …..
The Game is Changing & It’s Time Level Up

Now if you feel like you’re behind the ball in terms of utilizing today’s technology to its fullest, then this is definitely for YOU!
First, a little backstory on the leaders who asked me to speak…
This team had already created considerable success with ‘old school’ prospecting and, more in the past 3 years, utilizing the social media recruiting tactics now being marketed by the big gurus.
But they were finding that these methods weren’t working as well as they once did.
Social media recruiting in general was not working as well anymore, because now sooo many networkers were jumping on the social band wagon and the public was catching on.
Truth is, if you wanted to be effective with social media recruiting, you should have started doing it 3-5 years ago ’cause now it’s much harder.
So they asked me to share some ‘next level’ stuff with them, since they knew that I’ve been at the fore-front of online network marketing since 2006.
So I decided to share with them the three levels of modern online network marketing, so they could understand where they were and what the next level for them was.
When I was done, what I shared completely blew their minds wide open, made them open up to new possibilities, and even got them excited for the first time in a while about the future of the network marketing profession.
Specifically, it got them excited about leading their teams and growing their organizations.
These Leaders were Brave Because Inviting Me Made Them Uncomfortable

Which isn’t surprising.
Most leaders in network marketing feel uncomfortable, even threatened, to admit that they may not know everything about their profession, even if they are a top earner.
That being said, the best entrepreneurs in the world – in any field – are always looking outside their organizations for new ideas, they hire consultants, they study what competitors are doing, and invest in research and development to take advantage of emerging technologies.
In Network Marketing, Looking Outside Your Organization for Answers Rarely Happens…
So what these leaders did was not only outside the norm of network marketing, but is even frowned upon by peers and colleagues.
Thankfully it seems that things are changing (even though it’s happening at a snail’s pace).
You know how we had the space race to get to the moon?
Well, in Network Marketing, this is a technology race, but it seems like leaders in the profession are competing for who can move the slowest towards the future.
Leaders in network marketing are sloooow to adopt new methods.
It is simply more comfortable sticking with what you know and throw stones at those that do things differently.
I’ve been the recipient of many stones thrown my way since 2006, because I’ve been one of the few voices in this space willing to call out leaders and force them to step up.
So you can’t blame me for NOT getting too excited now that some old school trainers in network marketing are finally opening up about building online.
Unfortunately the saddest things is that this opening up, in my opinion, is too little, too late.
If you wait for a new technology to become widely accepted before you adopt it…

…then chances are you’ve missed the opportunity.
Therefore, what I shared at this meeting with these progressive leaders were the three levels of modern prospecting and recruiting skills that are most essential for success today!
Now, first and foremost, I defined what “attraction marketing” is…
Attraction marketing is any strategy that makes you the hunted instead of the hunter
This doesn’t even need to be online.
It’s anytime you’re attracting versus chasing.
Where you focus on solving people’s problems and you become specifically known for helping people solve certain types of challenges and as a result, others seek you out!
And you build credibility by creating positive results in people’s lives – in health, wealth or literally anything else.
Now, before we get to the juicy stuff, let’s talk FUNDAMENTALS.
These skills will never change, and are required at all levels of network marketing
No matter what level you’re at in network marketing, whether you’re utilizing online strategies, or whether you’re doing it old school, you will always need to know the basics of…
- Building rapport
- Communication for inviting, presenting, following-up, and training
- How to develop leadership skills in yourself and others
That being said…
Let’s now dive into the 3 Levels of Modern Prospecting & Recruiting…
Starting with “level zero”!
Because when it comes to taking advantage of modern prospecting and recruiting skills, level zero doesn’t even make the list.

This is the level of, “make a list of 100 people.”
Yes, we’re talking cold market prospecting here.
I don’t have to tell you what this is, because you’ve probably experienced it already.
At level zero, you’re not utilizing modern technology in any meaningful way — except maybe your cell phone to send awkward prospecting messages to your friends and family. lol
This isn’t “bad,” it’s simply where most people start.
At this level of sophistication (or lack thereof), you’re not yet utilizing what’s currently available on the online.
If this describes you, my suggestion is to not stay here long!
Unless you enjoy pain, rejection and being shunned by everyone you care about.

You can call this level “attraction marketing light.”
Here, instead of prospecting your friends and family, or prospecting strangers in public, now you’re doing warm and cold market prospecting on Facebook, or elsewhere on social media.
In this scheme, your Facebook friends are your warm market, and your cold market comes from adding new friends and cultivating new connections and relationships.
Importantly, there’s a new opportunity here to passively attract new recruits, which isn’t available offline.
That opportunity is that you can now passively prospect by doing lifestyle posts, curiosity posts, story posts, etc.
This allows you to start attracting interested prospects, by getting people to private message you or comment on your post, requesting more info. However, you gotta know what you are doing in these posts.
In addition, you’re still doing active prospecting and making connections, but now you have an opportunity to start passively attracting some of those FB friends to you, and get them to raise their hand by creating carefully crafted social posts. (Note: you gotta know what you are doing here.)
If you’re doing this right, you are also building a following on your personal profile, of people who know, like and trust you.
The bigger the following and depending on the trust, you can expect your posts to start causing more and more people to reach out to you, requesting more info about your product (and sometimes business).
The problem is that most people do social medial recruiting wrong and even if they are trained in the right skills, still screw it up and waste a lot of time adding strangers as friends and have little to show for it.
Another big issue is that social media recruiting is not scalable.
You can’t push a button and have your followers scale. It’s all 100% manual.
And you’re also limited by your personal efforts and time spent on your computer, talking to all these people.
You’re also limited to 5,000 friends and you gotta be careful, cause Facebook generally does not like people doing business out of their personal profile.
Let’s face it, building relationships is time consuming and there’s no way around it with social recruiting.
My friend, Gloria refers to this process as being “fake social”, which I guess is true, depending on whether or not you care about the people you’re connecting with.
But if doing the “fake social” thing doesn’t excite you, then here’s the next level…

Level two is a big part of what we focus on here at Elite Marketing Pro and this is what attraction marketing truly is.
Attraction marketing is completely passive.
You create a lead generation system, and prospects start flowing in.
With attraction marketing, you’re establishing a following, generating an email list that people have added themselves too, and building a presence on multiple social media platforms.
More importantly, attraction marketing allows you to build an income regardless of whether somebody says “yes” or “no” to your primary opportunity.
You’re able to monetize the “no’s” because even the people who don’t join your business, will still continue to follow you and immerse themselves in your ecosystem (where you can monetize them via other avenues, if you choose to).
Attraction marketing is highly leveraged, and that’s essentially what we focus on here at Elite Marketing Pro.
Everything at this level is scalable because we can, for example, take a post that’s working on a personal profile, put it on a business page, target the followers of Robert Kiyosaki, hit a button, and all of a sudden it’s broadcast to millions of people who are open to entrepreneurship!
That’s what attraction marketing allows you to do.
Personally, I recommend bypassing Level 0 and Level 1 and starting here.
You can download my free 10 day online recruiting video series AKA, Attraction Marketing Bootcamp here to get started.
to get started.
NEXT is something you probably won’t take on until you’re at least a six-figure earner in your network marketing business, but I wanted to share a little on this with you.
I honestly consider these seven-figure skills, because even though you start them at six-figures, the goal of this level is to push your business to seven-figures

This is attraction marketing on steroids.
Once you develop a digital training and duplication system for your team, you’ll be able to standardize your team training so that no matter how deep somebody is in your organization, they’re having the same experience as a frontline member inside your team, as if you personally sponsored them.
In this level, new training is released to your team members, depending on how long they’ve been on your team, or what rank they’re at, automatically.
Everything is standardized.
So what a new prospect 50 levels down sees, is the same thing a new prospect on your frontline sees as well.
This may sound advanced, depending on the current sophistication of your business, but it’s still important for me to share this with you, because I want you to view network marketing like a business and this is actually how REAL businesses scale and grow.
Fortunately, these type of systems can be built pretty easily and quickly, at a relatively low cost. (If you are a 6-figure earner, feel free to click on the “Support” tab above and request to speak to me, so you can connect.)
And if you’re not there yet, that’s ok. Level 2 is what I would suggest.
Bottomline is that in real businesses people innovate and think outside the box in order to make innovative things happen.
If you want to be in a real business for yourself, you need to be willing to see what’s out there and innovate on your own.
Remember, when things become widely accepted in an industry, then chances are you’re too late and the strategies won’t be as effective as they once were. But then again, do you really want to be “fake social” or do you want leverage?
Luckily for you, reading this today…
What we offer here at EMP is an opportunity to peek into the future
You too can implement the strategies only a small minority of successful leaders inside of network marketing are doing and catapult your business to the next level.
I highly recommend you sign up for my FREE 10 Day Online Attraction Marketing Video Bootcamp.
and learn about my book.
Once you opt-in, you’ll get an overview of how attraction marketing actually works.
If you’re already utilizing social media recruiting, this will seem like a natural next step for you, which is awesome!
Then you can have a real leveraged business, and use strategies that are ahead of their time.
And hey, I love that some network marketing leaders are now opening up to online strategies, but it would’ve been even better if they’d done so 12 years ago when these strategies were first introduced.
That being said, there is still A LOT we do here at EMP, which they are NOT open to sharing with you yet, and there lies the opportunity for you.
You don’t have to do any innovation of your own, to have that UNFAIR Advantage ’cause we’ve already done it.
If you’re ready to get ahead of the curve and become a leader who’s willing to modernize their business, then simply click here and I’ll gladly give you access to my Online Recruiting Video Bootcamp.
I also recommend you pick up a copy of my book, the Attraction Marketing Formula & included bonuses, which you will learn about after you request my Bootcamp.
And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!

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Lorena Hawkins’s Network Marketing Blog

Lorena Hawkins