November 15, 2015
Request Coaching with Lorena
Full Name
Phone Number
Best Time to Call (include Time Zone)
Skype Name
What are you looking for in a Coach?
Why do you think I would be a good coach for you?
If you could wave a magic wand and change 3 things in your business or life Over the next 12 months, what would it be?
What is your monthly budget to build your business?
How much money are you accustomed to earning? What income goal would you like to have in the next 6-12 months? (realistic goal)_
What is your primary reason for investing in this coaching program?
What prior training programs have you invested in?
What obstacles are you presently facing that you would like me to help you overcome?
Please tell me any specific areas you would like to cover during our time together.
How many hours per day/week do you put toward the work you are doing?
Which is your immediate goal?
Lorena Hawkins